There are a variety of visa options for people who want to invest or establish a business in Australia.
Business professionals can apply for a visa to conduct a short business visit to Australia, establish or manage a new or existing business or invest in Australia. There are different streams depending on your purpose.
Most Common Business Visas in Australia
Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188)
This visa allows you to own and manage a business in Australia, conduct business and investment activity in Australia or undertake an entrepreneurial activity in Australia.
There are seven streams under this visa:
Business Innovation Stream - for people who have business skills and will operate a new or existing business in Australia.
Investor Stream - for people who will invest at least AUD1.5 million in an Australian State or Territory and maintain business or investment activity in Australia.
Significant Investor Stream - for people who will invest at least AUD5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain investment activity in Australia.
Business Innovation Extension Stream - for holders of 188 Visa in the Business Innovation stream to extend their stay in Australia for 2 more years.
Significant Investor Extension Stream - for holders of 188 Visa in the Significant Investor stream to extend their stay in Australia for up to 4 more years.
Premium Investor Stream - for people who are nominated by the CEO of Austrade and who invest at least AUD15 million in Australian investments and/or philanthropic contributions.
Entrepreneur Stream - for people who carry out entrepreneurial activities in Australia.
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Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888)
This visa is for entrepreneurs, investors and business owners to continue their activity in Australia permanently.
Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132)
This visa allows you to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia.
There are two streams under this visa:
Significant Business History Stream - for experienced business owners to operate a new or existing business in Australia.
Venture Capital Entrepreneur Stream - for people who have sourced venture capital funding from a member of the Australian Investment Council (AIC) (formerly known as the Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association Limited (AVCAL)).
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