Independent Talent
Major Eligibilities
You must be residing in South Australia
You are expected to have at least 95 points (including state nomination points) in your Expression of Interest (EOI) on Skill Select, however lower points may be considered in exceptional cases
You are expected to have Proficient Plus English levels, however lower English levels may be considered in exceptional cases
You are expected to have considerable relevant work experience in your field, however limited experience may be considered in exceptional cases
You must submit a business case (maximum 2 pages) demonstrating:
How your skills and experience will contribute to South Australia, particularly the priority Growth State industries
Your knowledge of South Australia’s employment or business opportunities relevant to your occupation and field of expertise
Additional details of any skill sets, courses, qualifications, experience or awards relevant to your field of expertise.
South Australian Government is focusing on International Student Market and is the second highest contributing industry to the economy.
International Education is one of the most important industry among the specified South Australian 'Growth State Industries'. As can be seen, 140 Public and Private Schools in Australia may possibly surge a high demand for Early Childhood Educators.
Learn more about Other South Australia Streams and South Australian State and Regional Sponsor options:
Find the full SA Occupation List here:
RACC Education & Migration Services
20 years of experience
We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses
No service charge for student visa application*
4.9 out of 5 customer satisfaction (Google Rating)
Our Team speak multiple languages
English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesia, Malay, Bangla, Tagalog, Vietnamese, etc.
Book your Free Consultation with RACC Australia - Education and Migration Services