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(Last updated Jan 2024)

The Training Visa (Subclass 407) is a temporary visa designed to enhance skills and knowledge through occupational training and professional development programs in Australia. This visa supports workplace-based training and capacity building, enabling individuals to improve their qualifications for their current job, tertiary studies, or area of expertise.

Key Features

  • Duration: This visa is temporary, typically granted for a maximum of 2 years.

  • Work Rights: Visa holders are allowed to work full-time during their training.

Eligibility Onshore Applicants (currently in Australia)

If you have 1-year full time work experience in your nominated occupation post positive skills assessment. Experience can be in the form of ‘work experience’ or ‘study experience’ meaning you have undertaken at least one year of study related to your occupation in the last 24 months.

Wherever you are, if you are considering a Training Visa, you can book a Zoom Consultation with our Registered Migration Agent (MARN1572961):

Applicants Must

  • Be sponsored

  • Be nominated (unless your sponsor is a Commonwealth Government agency)

  • Be invited (if your sponsor is a Commonwealth Government agency)

  • Meet the health and character standards as specified by the Department of Home Affairs.

Training Visa Australia Employer Sponsored Visa Australia.webp

About Sponsorship and Nomination

  • Your sponsor must be approved as a temporary activities sponsor.  

  • Your sponsor must have nominated you to participate in a program of occupational training (unless your sponsor is an Australian Commonwealth Government agency). 

3 Types of Occupational Training Covered Subclass 407


1. Occupational training required for registration

Workplace-based training is required to get occupational registration, membership or licensing. The registration, membership or licensing is mandatory to work in that occupation in Australia or your home country.

2. Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation​

Workplace-based structured training programs that:

  • is specifically tailored and timed to the training needs of the nominated person

  • is in relation to an occupation specified on the list of eligible skilled occupations. 

  • involves a nominee who has recent and suitable prior experience. This can include employment experience or study experience that:

    • is the equivalent of at least 12 months full-time experience in the occupation

    • has occurred in the 24 months immediately before the nomination is lodged

3. Occupational training for capacity building overseas

Occupational training for capacity building overseas includes:

Overseas qualification

Structured workplace-based training in Australia for up to 6 months for students who:

  • are currently enrolled in a foreign educational institution and

  • must complete a period of practical training, research or observation to get their qualification

  • The training must be specifically tailored to the training needs of the nominated person.


​Government support

Structured workplace-based occupational training which has:

  • the support of a government agency in Australia or

  • the government in the home country of the nominated trainee

  • Government agency support in Australia must be at the national or state/territory level.

  • Governments in the nominated person’s home country must be at the national, state/territory or provincial level.

The training must be specifically tailored and timed to the training needs of the nominated person

Professional development

Professional development programs of face-to-face teaching in a classroom or similar environment in Australia. It is for overseas employers to send their managerial or professional employees.

Book Consultation with Our Registered Migration Agent!

Book a FREE Consultation Phone/face-to-face Consultation via this link with our Registered Migration Agent via this link: 



  • ⁠20 years of experience

  • ⁠We can help you with applying for all Visa and Courses

  • ⁠No service charge for onshore student visa application*

  • ⁠4.8 out of 5 customer satisfaction

  • ⁠Our Team speaks multiple languages

  • ⁠English, Mandarin, Indonesia, Malay, Tagalog, etc

  • ⁠Registered Migration Agents (MARN1572961, MARN1172003)


Australia Office:
343 Little Collins Street 

Melbourne VIC 3000

Level 7, Suite 715 - 716


+61 420 746 705 

+61 466 856 668

Office Hours : 9 am - 6 pm Mon - Fri.

Closed on public holidays

© 2024 RACC Australia; Migration Agent Registration Number (MARN) 1572961

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